Sen. Romney, Rep. Gallagher Re-Introduce the TRUST Act
April 23, 2021
Anti-Retiree GOP Candidates Winning Primaries
August 8, 2022
Sen. Romney, Rep. Gallagher Re-Introduce the TRUST Act
April 23, 2021
Anti-Retiree GOP Candidates Winning Primaries
August 8, 2022

Retirees Warn About Dangers of Rick Scott’s “Rescue America Plan”

Pennsylvania retiree Mary Wills, President of the Capitol Area Retired Pennsylvania State Education Association, spoke out at a news conference on the state capitol steps in Harrisburg on April 21, 2022.

The event came during the week that Americans’ federal taxes were due to the IRS. In their remarks, Ms. Wills and others reacted to Sen. Rick Scott’s (FL) so-called 11-point Rescue America Plan, which would raise taxes on nearly half of all Americans, including seniors.

His plan also calls for “sunsetting” Social Security and Medicare within five years, meaning they would be automatically terminated unless renewed by legislative action.

Scott is the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which is in charge of developing Republican strategy and recruiting Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate.

“The wealthiest member of Congress, with a net worth of more than $200 million, actually had the nerve to tell workers and retirees that they’re not paying their fair share,” said Ms. Wills of the proposed tax changes.

“Workers pay into Social Security over a lifetime,” she added regarding the provision that would sunset Social Security. “It is NOT the government’s money. How dare Sen. Scott do this!”

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