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New Radio Ad: Tim Sheehy Will End Medicare As We Know It

Helena, MT – A new radio ad campaign launched today across Montana draws attention to Tim Sheehy calling for “pure privatization” of health care and what that would mean for older Montanans. Sheehy’s opponent in the November 5th Senate election is Democrat Jon Tester.

The 30-second spot is narrated by lifelong Montana resident Barb Benish. It is paid for by Retired Americans PAC and will be heard by older voters throughout the state. Twenty-nine percent of registered voters in Montana are 65 years of age or older.

“It’s clear that Tim Sheehy doesn’t understand the first thing about seniors or Medicare or Montana,” said Richard Fiesta, an expert on retirement security issues and Treasurer of Retired Americans PAC. “Privatizing Medicare means an end to the guaranteed health benefits older Montanans have paid for. It also means insurance company bureaucrats decide what doctors you can see. And they can deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.”

“Seniors have earned their Medicare benefits with every paycheck during their working lives,” added Fiesta. “Older Montanans need to know the facts so they can vote for the candidate who will protect their Medicare in retirement. And that’s Jon Tester, not out-of-stater Tim Sheehy.”

In addition to this ad running across Montana, Retired Americans PAC is currently running independent expenditure campaigns in the presidential, Michigan Senate and five battleground House races: AZ-01, AZ-06, MI-07, PA-07, and PA-10.

Retired Americans PAC is the independent political arm of the Alliance for Retired Americans. Retired Americans PAC works to elect candidates who are committed to strengthening retirement security, protecting the interests of older Americans and defeating those who have taken positions that would harm older Americans.


Below is a transcript of the ad, “Promise to Break.”

Barb Benish:

One benefit of – uh hum – getting older is … that Medicare we paid into on every paycheck? It’s there for our retirement. But when you’re an out-of-state millionaire developer like Tim Sheehy,
Medicare’s just another promise to break.

ANNOUNCER: Lifelong Montanan Barb Benish.

Tim Sheehy calls it “pure privatization.”

Sheehy: “We need to return healthcare to pure privatization.”

His plan would end Medicare as we know it and make us pay for private insurance instead.

I can’t afford that.

It would put insurance bureaucrats between me and my doctor.

Let ‘em deny care for pre-existing conditions.

It would even end the 35-dollar cap on the cost of insulin.

After a lifetime of paying into Medicare, Sheehy’s plan makes us pay more.

See, Tim Sheehy just doesn’t get how everyday Montanans live. He’s not from

Jon Tester always looks out for Montanans because he’s Montana through and

ANNOUNCER: Retired Americans PAC paid and is responsible for the content of
this advertising. Retired-Americans-PAC-dot-org. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


Paid for by Retired Americans PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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