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New Digital Ad: Mike Rogers Will Work for Drug Corporations, Not Michigan Seniors

Detroit, MI – A new $1 million digital ad campaign launched this week across Michigan draws attention to Mike Rogers’ record of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from pharmaceutical corporations while voting against lower drug prices for seniors. Rogers’ opponent in the November 5th Senate election is Democrat Elissa Slotkin.

The 30-second spot is paid for by Retired Americans PAC and will be shown to persuadable older voters throughout the state. Twenty-four percent of the registered voters in Michigan are 65 years of age or older.

“It’s clear that Mike Rogers would vote to raise drug prices for older Michiganders to protect drug corporation profits by repealing the law that requires Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices,” said Richard Fiesta, an expert on retirement security issues and Treasurer of Retired Americans PAC. “He even wrote a bill to make opioids more widely available.”

“Older voters will play a critical role in this election,” added Fiesta. “They need to know the facts so they can vote for the candidate who will protect their interests.”

In addition to this ad running across Michigan, Retired Americans PAC is currently running independent expenditure campaigns in five battleground Congressional districts: AZ-01, AZ-06, MI-07, PA-07, and PA-10.

Retired Americans PAC is the independent political arm of the Alliance for Retired Americans. Retired Americans PAC works to elect candidates who are committed to strengthening retirement security, protecting the interests of older Americans and defeating those who have taken positions that would harm older Americans.


Below is a transcript of the ad, “Revolving Door.”

“They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again – expecting a different result.

Mike Rogers took a million from Big PHARMA.

Voted against lower drug prices for seniors.

Left Congress, Michigan to “get rich“ – advising companies who lobbied him.

Bought a million dollar mansion in Florida.

Now he’s back, running for Senate, doing Big Pharma’s bidding to increase drug profits.


Stop the insanity. Say no to Mike Rogers.”


Paid for by Retired Americans PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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