Retired Americans PAC launches new ads telling Congress to Raise the Debt Ceiling
May 19, 2023
New Video Highlights Our Work
August 15, 2024
Retired Americans PAC launches new ads telling Congress to Raise the Debt Ceiling
May 19, 2023
New Video Highlights Our Work
August 15, 2024

Retired Americans PAC Launches Ad Campaign

Retired Americans PAC Launches Ad Campaign

Digital Ads in 10 Congressional Districts Tell Congress to
Protect Social Security Payments

Retired Americans PAC, a political arm of the Alliance for Retired Americans, is running digital ads in 10 congressional districts and Washington, DC. The 15- and  30- second ads warn voters that Social Security checks could be at risk if Congress doesn’t raise the U.S. debt ceiling and encourage them to call their member of Congress to demand they vote to raise it immediately. The six-figure buy will run for up to 2 weeks.

“Seniors earned their Social Security benefits over a lifetime of work and rely on them to pay for food, prescriptions, and other necessities,” said Richard Fiesta. “Older Americans will not support any politician who jeopardizes their benefits for partisan games.”

In addition to the Washington, DC area, the ads are running in AZ-01 (David Schweikert), AZ-06 (Juan Ciscomani). CA-13 (John Duarte), CA-22 (Davuid Valadao), CA-27 (Mike Garcia), CA-40 (Young Kim), CA-41 (Ken Calvert), MI-10 (John James), NY-22 (Brandon Williams), and VA-02 (Jennifer Kiggans).

Ad scripts are below.

“At Risk” 30-second

VOICEOVER: They’re at it again.

Politicians in Congress are putting our Social Security benefits at risk.

By not raising the U.S. debt limit – the Social Security payments that we’ve earned after a lifetime of work could be held up, hurting millions of seniors who depend on Social Security to cover the basics like food, gas, and prescriptions.

But you can do something about it.

Call Congress, tell them to raise the U.S. debt limit to protect the 66 million Americans who depend on Social Security every month.

Retired Americans PAC is responsible for the content of this ad.

“At Risk” 15-second

Politicians in Congress are putting our Social Security benefits at risk.

By not raising the U.S. debt limit – the Social Security payments that we’ve earned after a lifetime of work could be held up.

Call Congress, tell them to raise the U.S. debt limit and protect Social Security.

Retired Americans PAC is responsible for the content of this ad.

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Retired Americans PAC is an independent project of the Alliance for Retired Americans, a grassroots advocacy organization with 4.4 million members nationwide.

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